Users of CSA Catapult’s Facilities and Services Benefit from New Prospector™ Micro Materials Tester

November 24, 2020

Inseto, a leading technical distributor of equipment and materials, has supplied Compound Semiconductor Applications (CSA) Catapult with a Nordson DAGE Prospector micro-mechanical test station. Located in CSA’s Advanced Packaging laboratory, the tester is being used by CSA and its customers to verify the strength of wire bond interconnects and die-attach integrity.

“The Prospector is fully operational and is initially being used for advanced bond and material testing to develop quality micro-assembly processes for custom power electronics, RF and photonics component and module packaging,” says Dr Jayakrishnan Chandrappan, Head of Packaging, CSA Catapult. “However, these tests – which are mechanical push, pull and scratch tests under ambient conditions – are just a few of many the Prospector can do.”

Widely regarded as one of the most comprehensive, single-station testers in the industry, the Prospector also has electrical, thermal, acoustic and optical test modes, many of which can be combined. For example, mechanical loads can be applied while cycling temperatures for thermal shock experiments and for highly accelerated life testing (HALT).

The Advanced Packaging team at CSA Catapult provides innovative packaging solutions for power electronics, RF and photonics through package design and modelling, micro-assembly and rapid prototyping. CSA Catapult’s expertise can transform customer ideas into proof of concepts/prototypes, helping to launch them to market effectively and quickly.

Dr Chandrappan concludes: “Inseto provided a great service, from valuable help with product selection through to comprehensive on-site training and application support. Also, unlike most distributors, Inseto has in-house expertise so little if any time is wasted going back to the OEMs they represent.”


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